
tinydns-edit — edit the source data file used by a content DNS server


tinydns-edit {data} {tmp} {add} {type} {name} {addr}


tinydns-edit atomically modifies a database source file, the input compiled by tinydns-data(1), with the given modification. It reads the data file data, modifies it, and writes it to tmp. Then it atomically renames tmp to data. The two files must, of course, reside on the same volume in order that this can be achieved.

On success, tinydns-edit returns zero. If, for any reason, an error occurs it will exit with a non-zero code and data will not be changed.

The add verb is the only supported verb in this version. In response to it, tinydns-edit adds a record to the database for fully-qualified domain name name of type type with IP address addr.

type can be one of


A . record is created to describe a content DNS server. This record specifies that the domain name is published by a DNS content server that is listening on the IP address addr. The name of the DNS content server is not directly specifiable.


A & record is created describing a delegation. This record specifies that queries for names in the domain name should be referred to a ("child") DNS content server that is listening on the IP address addr. The name of the DNS content server is not directly specifiable.


A @ record is created describing a mail exchanger. This record specifies that mail to names in the domain name should be sent to an SMTP server that is listening on the IP address addr. The name of the SMTP server is not directly specifiable.

It is not possible to specify the distance value for the SMTP server. tinydns-edit will leave that field blank, meaning that tinydns-data (8) will use whatever the default value is.


A = record is created describing a bidirectional name to address mapping. This record specifies that the name name maps to the IP address addr and vice versa.


A + record is created describing a unidirectional name to address mapping. This record specifies that the name name maps to the IP address addraddress but that there is no reverse mapping.

Intermediate domain names are assigned by tinydns-edit itself. For ns and childns records there is an intermediate domain name of the form For mx records there is an intermediate domain name of the form a is a letter from "a" to "z". tinydns-edit checks existing records of the same pattern and for the record being added picks the first available unused letter. It aborts if there are no letters left.

For host records it aborts if there is already a = record that has either name or addr. By the nature of alias records, tinydns-edit will not abort if there happen to already be existing records that use addr.

If any existing ns, childns, and mx records are found when adding that type, it copies their TTL for the record being added. Otherwise, where no existing records exist and for other types of records, a fixed default TTL is used. This is 1 day for all records, except for ns and childns records for which it is 3 days.


tinydns-edit was originally part of Daniel J. Bernstein's djbdns toolset in 2000. This manual page was written on 2001-04-06, and revised in 2001-04-26, and again in 2017.


Original code by Daniel J. Bernstein. Documentation by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard.