
clockview — view an adjustment to the local clock




clockview reads a TAI64NA time adjustment from standard input, as generated by a program such as taiclock(1) or sntpclock(1). It then prints the local UNIX clock and the local UNIX clock plus that adjustment.

The adjustment must be a single 16-byte packet, readable in a single call to read(2). clockview does not require that its standard input be a stream in blocking I/O mode.

Both clocks are printed in ISO style (with nanoseconds and attoseconds), in the local time zone, using localtime(3). Beware that many systems do not handle leap seconds correctly in localtime(3).


clockview was originally part of Daniel J. Bernstein's clockspeed toolset in 1998.


Original code and documentation by Daniel J. Bernstein. Documentation modernizations by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard.