/* TAIL.CMD - A wrapper for TAIL that adds /100 */ /* * This is a REXX script that wraps the TAIL command, explicitly setting * the number of lines to print to 100. * * (c) Copyright 2002,2007 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard. * * Permission is hereby granted for you to use, copy, modify, and redistribute * this script to your heart's content, as long as you clearly mark as having * been modified any modified copies that you redistribute, and as long as * you realise that I accept no responsibility for whatever the possession or * use of this script may do to your machine, data, cat, or marital status. */ '@echo off' parse arg command_tail select when strip(command_tail) == "/?" then do 'tail.exe '||command_tail end otherwise do 'tail.exe /100 '||command_tail end end